Answers to the question, “What is Dying Today?” are as diverse as the multitude of people who are doing the asking and the answering. Although it may seem that discussions about death are not happening in our contemporary Western culture, that is far from true. These important conversations are happening. With The Way of Conscious Death, our work and our joy is to keep expanding and integrating these conversations.

There are many resources to help you have this very important discussion – with your loved ones, with your political officials, and with your medical caregivers. Amongst our favorites are:

Let’s Have Dinner and Talk About Death – a website devoted to helping us plan evenings where the central focus is a conversation about death. Organizational tips are provided as well as conversation support.
(You can read Lesley McClurg’s NPR story, “Let’s Talk about Death over Dinner” here:

Death Cafes provide the opportunity to meet others who want to further the discussion of death in our world. Held in libraries and coffee shops throughout the world, Death Cafes are open to anyone wanting to participate in the conversation. To find a Death Café near you or learn more about this organization, visit:

Before I Die – Candy Chang’s TEDtalk energized the death awareness discussion by inviting people everywhere to consider what they want to experience before they die. Watch the talk here:

And learn more about the project and how you can create your own “Before I Die” wall here:

The Conversation Project supports people in having discussions about their end-of-life care:
Listen to/read Lynn Sherr’s PBSNewsHour story about The Conversation Project here:

And to learn more about Hospice and Palliative Care in the United States, please visit:

***We update this resource list frequently, so please keep returning. And if you have resources that you would like us to consider including, email